Announcing Palantir's bug bounty program

Announcing Palantir's bug bounty program
Photo by Erik Karits / Unsplash

We are excited to announce the public bug bounty program for Palantir’s software and infrastructure. Read our new Vulnerability Disclosure Policy here.

Security is one of our core tenets at Palantir, and we value the input of security professionals acting in good faith to help us maintain a high standard for the security and privacy of our users. This includes encouraging responsible vulnerability research and disclosure. In exchange for reporting these issues, we may reward the researcher with financial compensation, recognition, or swag for a validated and serious security report. We’re proud to base our disclosure policy on the vulnerability disclosure framework.

While we feel confident in our security posture broadly, this program will help us stay on top of potential security issues into the future.

To learn about Palantir’s InfoSec team, visit our website.